MUSES is the Multi-User System for Earth Sensing. MUSES is a Teledyne space platform on board the ISS that represents a faster, more cost effective way to have operational instruments in space. On June 3, 2017, MUSES was installed on the International Space Station and shortly thereafter declared fully operational. MUSES is a first of its kind commercial space imaging mission that supports up to four (4) in-flight robotically installed sensors, one of which is DESIS. DESIS and other sensors to come are operated from the Teledyne Brown Engineering Huntsville operation center. MUSES provides inertial stability and precision pointing capabilities which are vital for imaging payloads, laser communications payloads, and other instrumentation that requires looking at a point on the earth. Muses has an onboard server to store the data prior to downlink to the Huntsville Operations Center. The data are downlinked through the ISS high-rate data transmission link to the ground. The onboard server can also provide an opportunity for onboard processing for fast turnaround of processing results.​ ​​