This site will be continually updated with papers as they are developed. If you have written a paper on DESIS, please send to Heath Lester to have it posted here. If you have suggestions for papers you’d like to see, please let us know!

  • Data Products, Quality and Validation of the DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer (DESIS) - ©2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel Switzerland.

    • Authors: Kevin Alonso, Martin Bachmann, Kara Burch, Emiliano Carmona, Daniele Cerra, Raquel de los Reyes, Daniele Dietrich, Uta Heiden, Andreas Hölderlin, Jack Ickes, Uwe Knodt, David Krutz , Heath Lester, Rupert Müller, Mary Pagnutti, Peter Reinartz, Rudolf Richter, Robert Ryan, Ilse Sebastian and Mirco Tegler


If you have questions concerning commercial, academic, or NGO site access, please contact our Geospatial Solutions Manager Heath Lester. For DESIS technical information and calibration assistance, please contact Kara Burch. ​​​​upd